Please Support the MS Challenge by making a donation to the Scrap Dogs

The Scrap Dogs are asking you to support our fund raising efforts with a tax deductible donation. It's faster and easier than ever to support this cause that's so important to us. Simply click on the link below. Any amount, great or small, helps to make a difference in the lives of people living with MS. We appreciate your support and look forward to letting you know how we do.

National MS Society - Challenge Walk: The Scrap Dog Team

How can you help?

Thank you.

Our 2008 goal of $25,000 was exceeded because of your generousity. Our 2009 Goal is $25,000 again. Are you able to help? Our 2009 goal will be updated in an attached comment as the year progresses.

Today, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis, and with diagnosis occurring most frequently between the ages of 20 and 50, many individuals face a lifetime filled with unpredictability.

This event is a challenge - and an opportunity - for everyone involved, participants and donors alike. With commitment to this cause, we can all be part of a historic undertaking. The funds raised from the MS Challenge Walk will not only support research to help create a world free of multiple sclerosis, but also provide programs which address the needs of hundreds of thousands of people living with MS right now. Because we choose to walk for those who sometimes can't. Because we choose to donate to the MS Challenge Walk, we are getting ever closer to the hour when no one will have to hear the words, "You have MS."

Watch this blog throughout the year for local fundraising events.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Members of the Community Needed

Training with the
Scrap Dogs

We are interested in receiving assistance from members of the business community that are knowledgable in the fields of nutritional coaching, personal training, reflexology, massage therapy, yoga, pilates or any number of topics related to a improving or creating a better life style.

The Scrap Dogs would like to establish a training schedule that would include training sessions that the general public could join us and receive a brief instructional seminar/class prior to the walk. The public will be asked to make a donation of $5.00 per person to the Scrap Dogs. These training sessions will be held weekly or monthly based upon the Team's Training Schedule and the volunteers commitments. These times will be announced later. If you are interested in volunteering your time to conduct a seminar or would like to join us on a team walk please email


MS Challenge Team - The Scrap Dogs said...

Emails went sent out to various individuals, organizations and groups in the health industry fields today, 10/07/08 requesting that they volunteer their time for a brief seminar prior to a Training with the Scrap Dogs session which are slated to begin in April, 2009.

Please consider the exposure your company can and will receive during these fundraising events. Our goal is to have t0shirts imprinted with each group name that volunteers their time to the sessions and then sell them during those sessions.

We have also lined up advertising with an online calendar that promotes healthy seminars through out the US. Your name will be included in all printed advertising.

Please consider the amount of monetary donations that this type of event could create for the MS Society.

Thank you.

MS Challenge Team - The Scrap Dogs said...

Kristen Niessink, a nutrionalist at the Newport Athletic Club and also works with Clement's Marketplace has offered her services to conduct a seminar before or after a "Training with the Scrap Dogs" session. She too responded to one of the emails requesting volunteers. Maybe we could start a walk from Clement's and incorporate a bake sale the same day.

MS Challenge Team - The Scrap Dogs said...

Please contact me if you have any ideas for fundraisers including contacts for the volunteers for the "training" sessions. If you currently work with or have in the past a personal trainer, massage therapist, physical therapist, yoga instructor even a reiki master, or anyone in a career that helps people promote a better lifestyle through physical fitness contact them or give me their name if they know a personal connection to the Scrap Dogs they are more likely to volunteer. Lets ask as many people as we can.....all they can say is no.

MS Challenge Team - The Scrap Dogs said...

During the Health and Wellness Fair at the Green Grocer on October 11th, I made a few contacts with individuals that were initerested in helping the Scrap Dogs with the Training Sessions.

Jessica Mason, Ripple Effect Wellness, would be interested in conducting a seminar within her field - Holistic Health and Nutrion. She completed the MS 150 ride this year and understands the differculty in fundraising for such a worthy cause.

Dr. Kevin Donavon, Aquineck Chriopratic, is also interested in conducting a seminar. He also has some other resourse/indiviuals that might be interested in helping us in the areas of yoga and tai chi.

Heitage Farm located in Portsmouth is an ecological organic farm and their produce is sold at the Green Grocer would be interested in conducting a seminar on organic foods.

I hope that this "Training with the Scrap Dogs" becomes a successful fundraiser for us. The people that are offering to volunteer their time seem very enthusatic and excited about the events.

How Can You Help.

How Can You Help.
Every bit counts.

At the Finish Line!

At the Finish Line!