Please Support the MS Challenge by making a donation to the Scrap Dogs

The Scrap Dogs are asking you to support our fund raising efforts with a tax deductible donation. It's faster and easier than ever to support this cause that's so important to us. Simply click on the link below. Any amount, great or small, helps to make a difference in the lives of people living with MS. We appreciate your support and look forward to letting you know how we do.

National MS Society - Challenge Walk: The Scrap Dog Team

How can you help?

Thank you.

Our 2008 goal of $25,000 was exceeded because of your generousity. Our 2009 Goal is $25,000 again. Are you able to help? Our 2009 goal will be updated in an attached comment as the year progresses.

Today, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis, and with diagnosis occurring most frequently between the ages of 20 and 50, many individuals face a lifetime filled with unpredictability.

This event is a challenge - and an opportunity - for everyone involved, participants and donors alike. With commitment to this cause, we can all be part of a historic undertaking. The funds raised from the MS Challenge Walk will not only support research to help create a world free of multiple sclerosis, but also provide programs which address the needs of hundreds of thousands of people living with MS right now. Because we choose to walk for those who sometimes can't. Because we choose to donate to the MS Challenge Walk, we are getting ever closer to the hour when no one will have to hear the words, "You have MS."

Watch this blog throughout the year for local fundraising events.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ms Challenge Walk 2008 Complete!

Can you believe it, I can't but its true! We walked 50 miles in 3 days in beautiful Cape Cod, MA.

The first day of our walk started in Hyannis as it has in the past 7 years and continued on to Brewster to the Cape Cod Sea Camps. Along the way there were literally hundreds of people offering everything one needs to complete the days 20 miles including water, gatorade, snacks, medical care and the most appreciated thing - kind words of enthusiasm. The number of people volunteering at the various rest stops, riding bicycles, riding motorcycles or driving cars is amazing. As a walker, their jobs seem so much harder. With 20 miles done its time to soak your feet, get a massage and have a hot shower. I soon learned that the aches from walking 20 miles don't set in until you sit down! The weather for the first 20 was Sunny and a tad bit humid but over all quite nice.

The second day of our walk started in Brewster headed out to Eastham and then we turned around and headed back. A second day of walking 20 miles was completed with the same help from the volunteers. The weather today wasn't as nice. We started out with an overcast dark gray sky with a few showers, shortly after lunch we finally had a little sun but a lot of humidity and then the skies opened up and the down pours started. Hurricane Hannah had come to visit and she made it to Sea Camps before us. Of course she was down grade to a tropical depression by the time she made it up to New England, lucky for us.

The third day of our started in Brewster and we headed to Dennis. Today was just a short walk of 10 miles. Hurricane Hannah was blowing out of town when we started. Her winds kept us cool. By the time our ten miles was up, we sitting down to enjoy a nice barbeque with the sun out and it was getting warm.

From a sea of blue there will hopefully come a cure for the orange bouys aflout during our walk.

As a team we have to say we couldn't have done it with out all those that donated to our cause. Thank you - Thank you. Of course if you haven't yet there is still time.

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At the Finish Line!

At the Finish Line!