Please Support the MS Challenge by making a donation to the Scrap Dogs

The Scrap Dogs are asking you to support our fund raising efforts with a tax deductible donation. It's faster and easier than ever to support this cause that's so important to us. Simply click on the link below. Any amount, great or small, helps to make a difference in the lives of people living with MS. We appreciate your support and look forward to letting you know how we do.

National MS Society - Challenge Walk: The Scrap Dog Team

How can you help?

Thank you.

Our 2008 goal of $25,000 was exceeded because of your generousity. Our 2009 Goal is $25,000 again. Are you able to help? Our 2009 goal will be updated in an attached comment as the year progresses.

Today, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis, and with diagnosis occurring most frequently between the ages of 20 and 50, many individuals face a lifetime filled with unpredictability.

This event is a challenge - and an opportunity - for everyone involved, participants and donors alike. With commitment to this cause, we can all be part of a historic undertaking. The funds raised from the MS Challenge Walk will not only support research to help create a world free of multiple sclerosis, but also provide programs which address the needs of hundreds of thousands of people living with MS right now. Because we choose to walk for those who sometimes can't. Because we choose to donate to the MS Challenge Walk, we are getting ever closer to the hour when no one will have to hear the words, "You have MS."

Watch this blog throughout the year for local fundraising events.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Scrap Dogs Biggest Loser Contest

2008 Biggest Loser Contest

Scrap Dog's Biggest Loser Contest - started September 30, 2008

We have approximately 11 members of team, family and friends that will be taking part in the contest. Anyone interested in joining the biggest loser please contact Carol Patin at by Thursday morning with your weights.

Each contestant will be weighing themselves at home and email their weights to Carol at on Tuesday mornings each week.

Carol is going to track the percentage of weight lost by each person. The person with the highest percentage wins! She will email a list out weekly to each contestant with percentages lost.

Lets all stay honest, motivated and lose the weight.

The winner will receive a gift certificate to a local restaurant which will be determined shortly.

The contest will end December 9th.

Please send your $20.00 entry fee to Carol.

Carol and the winning scrap dog team member will split the entry fees and apply it toward their fundraising efforts.

Weekly totals/results will be posted here as a comment. To read all the postings and to add your own comments, click on the word "COMMENTS" below. Happy posting.
Look at the very bottom of the blog to see some fun additions for all of us in the biggest loser contest!


Unknown said...

Come on everyone! Step up and face the scales. What better way to get ready for those holiday parties. No better way than to lose weight than with friends. Still waiting on all the beginning weights.

Unknown said...


All the beginning weights are in. We do have 11 people in the contest - some are scrap dogs and some are friends or family. Please send in your weight to me by noon on Tuesday (this way you can do either a Monday weight or a Tuesday weight). Tuesday evening, I will post the standings on the blog. Best to check off the box so that you get a message every time that someone post to this blog. And everyone should post comment, cheering and any hints to make this a successful and fun contest.

Unknown said...

Well, the last person finally managed to get to a scale and a computer.

After all is said and looks like I have taken the first week (must have been all that chasing to get the weights!)

There was a total of 23.6 pounds lost this week with an average weight loss of .91%. Good Going! Let's keep it up and see what we can accomplish in the ten weeks.

Here is the results for this week:

Alison Gaumond -0.52%
Carol Patin 3.85%
David Lang 0.00%
Deanna Monell 0.79%
Denise Gaudette 1.09%
Jane Roggero 2.27%
Jennifer Kane 0.41%
Kris Sumner 0.40%
Linda Carr 0.65%
Marty Hannon 0.00%
Michaela Gaudette 1.04%
Tracy Culkins 0.96%

Unknown said...

I just wanted everyone to know that there is a new member to our contest. Her name is Ellen.

As a reminder, you can visit the blog and post comment to the contest. I do not need to be the ONLY person posting to the contest!

Here is the site to visit our blog:

You can post there and see what others are saying. The more back and forth - the more fun. You can post your feeling, cheering on others, hints to help people walk past that piece of killer chocolate cake.......anything

Now don't forget.......get your weight to me Tuesday morning by noon.

MS Challenge Team - The Scrap Dogs said...

Weight Watchers soup saved me this week. I have eaten all kinds of apple desserts after picking 35lbs of apples.

Anyone got a good for you apple dessert recipe.

There Carol is no longer the only one posting here.....Oh wait you probably didn't mean me since I the only other one posting to the blog!!!!!!

Unknown said...

OK....all the weights are in for this week and our newest member came up the biggest loser this week! Good going Max! I have to say that I am still ahead for the total biggest loser. BUT not by much.

Good going to all!

week 1 week 2 total
Ali G -0.52% 1.54% 1.03%
Carol P 3.85% 1.56% 5.35%
David L 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Deanna M 0.79% 1.12% 1.91%
Denise G 1.09% -1.59% -0.48%
Ellen K 0.00% 0.72% 0.72%
Jane R 2.27% 1.16% 3.41%
Jennifer K 0.41% 0.00% 0.41%
Kris S 0.40% 0.00% 0.40%
Linda C 0.65% 0.00% 0.65%
Marty H 0.00% 0.38% 0.38%
Max K 0.00% 5.33% 5.33%
Michaela G 1.04% 0.10% 1.13%
Tracy C 0.96% 0.49% 1.44%

total 1.70% 1.27% 2.96%

For those who have not checked out the blog.....You are really missing s lot of fun and support.

See you on the blog!

Michaela said...

Hi bloggers!

Here I am Carol, checking out the blog site. I've gotta say, I'm bad at this kind of stuff, hopefully I am better at weight loss than I am at remembering to check out the site!

Our current step in wedding planning is finding a baker, so between tastings and Steve's birthday festivities there has been cake shoved at me every single day now for almost a week- yikes!

Jane, I use some brown sugar splenda and cinnamon and put in on cut apples and bake them a little bit in the toaster oven, top it with some fat free cool whip, very tasty! Or use the b.s.s. as part of an oat topping and bake that on- try searching for a good recipe!

MS Challenge Team - The Scrap Dogs said...

Thanks Carol....

The Mr Spice Indian Curry sauce with onions, celery and apples sauteed and over chicken was awesome.

Believe it or not I have Mr Spice brochures from 10 years ago (give or take 5) and got the recipe from it. YUMMY.

Good Diet dinner to bad the rest of the day is in the crapper.

Unknown said...


Week 3 has closed and.......guess what.......I am still ahead!

Catch me if you can!

Ali G
-0.52% wee k 1w 1
1.54% week 2
0.00% week 33
1.03% total

Carol P
3.85% week 1
1.56% week 2
0.55% week 3
5.87% total

David L
0.00% week 1
0.00% week 2
0.00% week 3
0.00% total

Deanna M
0.79% week 1
1.12% week 2
0.00% week 3
1.91% total

Denise G
1.09% week 1
-1.59% week 2
0.48% week 3
0.00% total

Ellen K
0.00% week 1
0.72% week 2
-0.90% week 3
-0.18% total

Jane R
2.27% week 1
1.16% week 2
0.00% week 3
3.41% total

Jennifer K
0.41% week 1
0.00% week 2
1.66% week 3
2.07% total

Kris S
0.40% week 1
0.00% week 2
0.67% week 3
1.07% total

Linda C
0.65% week 1
0.00% week 2
0.00% week 3
0.65% total

Marty H
0.00% week 1
0.38% week 2
0.38% week 3
0.76% total

Max K
0.00% week 1
5.33% week 2
0.00% week 3
5.33% total

Michaela G
1.04% week 1
0.10% week 2
0.19% week 3
1.32% total

Tracy C
0.96% week 1
0.49% week 2
0.00% week 3
1.44% total

average for every one
1.70% week 1
1.27% week 2
0.22% week 3
3.17% total

Just to put this in perspective - As a group, we have lost a whopping 43.8 pound in 3 weeks! Good going! Just think - if we all lose just 1 teeny tiny pound this week, we can hit 55 pounds. Let's go for it!

Here is something that was shared with me this week that I thought might help you through your day:

This is specially formulated diet designed to help cope with the stress that builds during the day.


1 grapefruit

1 slice whole wheat toast

1 cup skim milk


1 small portion lean steamed chicken

1 cup spinach

1 cup herbal ! tea

1 Hershey's kiss

Afternoon Snack

The rest of the Hershey kisses in the bag

1 tub of Hagen-Daaz ice cream with chocolate chips


4 glasses of wine (red or white)

2 loaves garlic bread

1 family size supreme pizza

3 Snickers Bars

Late Night Snack

1 whole Sarah Lee cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer)

Remember: Stressed spelled backward is desserts.

Did that put a smile on your face?

Have a nice week..and I will be waiting to hear from everyone by noon on Tuesday

MS Challenge Team - The Scrap Dogs said...

Hello, Biggest Losers!

Check out the bottom of the blog page for some fun applications for dieters!

Unknown said...


I did say catch me if you can... And Max did just that - and more! Max is now the one to beat. We just can not go down without a fight! I need for you to put that cupcake back. Jane stop eating all the apple pies! We all need to get out there and walk a bit! No excuses. I know that this week is Halloween and we are all going to be faced with mountains of sweets and treats. Move on past them! They are not treats - - they are tricks.

This week was not such a stellar week for the team as a whole - we gained 2.2 pounds. BUT we still have lost a whopping 41.6 pounds in a month!

Good Going!

week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 total
Ali G -0.52% 1.54% 0.00% -1.56% -0.52%
Carol P 3.85% 1.56% 0.55% 0.71% 6.54%
David L 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Deanna M 0.79% 1.12% 0.00% 0.00% 1.91%
Denise G 1.09% -1.59% 0.48% -0.48% -0.48%
Ellen K 0.00% 0.72% -0.90% 0.54% 0.36%
Jane R 2.27% 1.16% 0.00% -2.35% 1.14%
Jennifer K 0.41% 0.00% 1.66% 0.42% 2.48%
Kris S 0.40% 0.00% 0.67% 0.14% 1.20%
Linda C 0.65% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.65%
Marty H 0.00% 0.38% 0.38% 0.77% 1.52%
Max K 0.00% 5.33% 0.00% 4.23% 9.33%
Michaela G 1.04% 0.10% 0.19% -0.29% 1.04%
Tracy C 0.96% 0.49% 0.00% 0.00% 1.44%

total 1.70% 1.27% 0.22% -0.09% 1.62%

As a reminder. Go to the blog and post your comments. Let's encourage everyone. But for now, let's say GOOD GOING MAX! But I am going to catch you!

Here is the address for the blog:

I just had a thought....For each posting to the blog (other than me) for the next week, I will add 50¢ to the pot. Come on people. Let's get some chatter going here.......

MrMax said...

Hi all! I'm honored to have been accepted as a contestant in the Scrap DOGS "Biggest Loser" contest. I really credit the Team, and the Contest, for motivating me. I was pretty hungry all the time that first week, and a little confused, too. Where was my food that i liked to eat whenever i wanted? But things got better!

To be continued...

Unknown said...

First, I am so pleased that everyone reported in without me chasing anyone down That made my life easier.

Second, over all we did GOOD! Collectively we lost 4.2 ponds this week! Good going! We only had a few that ate more than they gave out. This make a total of 45.8 pounds we have lost in 5 weeks. As everyone send in this week, everyone said that they were starting all over.

This is the beginning of the second half. Let's have a new beginning.

I do have to say that I am a bit disappointed that there was only one person who took me up on my offer to add 50¢ to the pot for each posting on the blog. I am going to extend it another week. Come on...let's get some chatter going here. I feel like I am talking to myself.

Here is the results for this week:
week 5 total
Ali G 0.00% -0.52%
Carol P 0.64% 7.14%
David L 0.00% 0.00%
Deanna M 0.47% 2.37%
Denise G -0.72% -1.21%
Ellen K -0.72% -0.36%
Jane R 2.59% 3.69%
Jennifer K 0.00% 2.48%
Kris S 0.68% 1.87%
Linda C 0.00% 0.65%
Marty H 0.19% 1.71%
Max K -2.94% 6.67%
Michaela G 0.00% 1.04%
Tracy C -0.98% 0.48%

total 0.17% 1.78%

As you can see....I am back out in front again.....come on, it's a new week, a new beginning.

Throw out the rest of that NASTY candy!

Unknown said...

OK. The last person reported in late last night so here are the results:

week 6 total
Ali G 0.00% -0.52%
Carol P 0.48% 7.59%
David L 1.52% 1.52%
Deanna M 0.48% 2.84%
Denise G -0.24% -1.45%
Ellen K -0.18% -0.54%
Jane R 0.88% 4.55%
Jennifer K 0.42% 2.89%
Kris S 0.54% 2.41%
Linda C 0.00% 0.65%
Marty H 0.19% 1.90%
Max K 4.29% 10.67%
Michaela G -0.48% 0.57%
Tracy C 0.48% 0.96%

total 0.36% 2.13%

pounds lost 9 54.8

Although Max is in the lead again for the biggest loser over all, David showed remarkable loss this week!

In total, we lost 9 pounds this week! That is fantastic. I want to see 10 pounds this week. Come on, everyone! Throw out all the snack foods, make an extra visit to the gym or get out there and walk an extra 5 miles. You know, we are the scrap dogs and we WALK. I want everyone to get out and walk an extra 5 miles and let us know. BLOG IT!!! I will throw in an extra $1 for each person who walks the extra 5 miles and reports it on the blog.

Also, Don't forget the fundraiser at Jimmy's on the 21st.

Unknown said...

Another week has passed and we are still trudging along. We did well this week. Overall, we lost 3 pounds for a total of 57.8 pounds in the last six weeks. As this draws to an end, lets see if we can boos the numbers. Everyone needs to put a fresh foot forward and try a little harder. Here is the rsults for this week:

week 7 total
Ali G 0.00% -0.52%
Carol P 0.16% 7.74%
David L 0.00% 1.52%
Deanna M 0.00% 2.84%
Denise G 1.43% 0.00%
Ellen K 0.53% 0.00%
Jane R 0.00% 4.55%
Jennifer K 0.43% 3.31%
Kris S -1.37% 1.07%
Linda C 0.00% 0.65%
Marty H 0.00% 1.90%
Max K -11.94% 0.00%
Michaela G 0.57% 1.13%
Tracy C 0.49% 1.44%

total 0.12% 2.25%

pounds lost 3.00 57.80

PS..I am still out in front...come a nd show me up....

Unknown said...


This week is closed. If you did not get your weight in, we can handle for next week.

Everyone needs to watch what you eat on National Stuff Yourself Day. You can really enjoy the day AND eat reasonably....lots of turkey, not so much pumpkin pie.

Let's have a good reporting next week. As a group, we have lost 58 pounds in 8 weeks. That is great. Let's try for 65 by next Tuesday. Anyone for a walk over the weekend???? I know that everyone has extra time to fit in an extra workout (or two). I can only imagine that everyone is off on Thursdy and Friday.

Here is the result for this week:

week 8 total
Ali G -1.03% -1.55%
Carol P 0.32% 8.04%
David L -1.55% 0.00%
Deanna M 0.00% 2.84%
Denise G 0.00% 0.00%
Ellen K 0.00% 0.00%
Jane R 0.60% 5.11%
Jennifer K 0.85% 4.13%
Kris S 0.00% 1.07%
Linda C 0.00% 0.65%
Marty H 0.39% 2.28%
Max K 2.67% 2.67%
Michaela G 0.00% 1.13%
Tracy C 0.00% 1.44%

total 0.01% 2.26%

pounds lost 58.00

Don't forget to check out the blog!

Enjoy the holiday!

MS Challenge Team - The Scrap Dogs said...

I am up for a walk this weekend. You? I generally walk around my neighborhood - want to try and meet some where as a group? Let me know. Happy Thanksgiving. Jane

MrMax said...

Hello, everyone. Mr.Max here. I know i'll be eating too much and exercising too little the next few days, so this is your chance to make sure that YOU, and not i, win the Biggest Loser contest. Of course, lately i haven't been much of a threat to anyone ... except maybe the field mice. Chew slowly, enjoy your holiday meal, and spit some of it out over your bowl, like i do! Happy Holiday!

Unknown said...

The Biggest Loser Contest drew to a close last night. The winner was Carol. Well, actually the winner was the MS Society. There were 14 participants in the contest. At $20 a piece, that is a total of $280 dollars that will go to the MS Society. I can say that, as a prize, I did receive a gift certificate to a fine restaurant in the area and will be taking a very special friend out to dinner.

The final tally is below. Keep in mind that we are all winners. The group, as a whole lost 65.6 ponds in 10 weeks! That is fabulous!

Ali G -1.55%
Carol P 8.26%
David L 1.02%
Deanna M 2.84%
Denise G 1.33%
Ellen K 0.18%
Jane R 4.55%
Jennifer K 4.55%
Kris S 1.07%
Linda C 0.65%
Marty H 2.66%
Max K 1.33%
Michaela G 1.04%
Tracy C 2.40%

I would like to take this moment to announce that I will be starting another Biggest Loser Contest on January 5th...going through Mar 16th. So start recruiting now. There will be more participation next time and there will be some sort of weekly prizes or recognition. I will keep you posted.

MS Challenge Team - The Scrap Dogs said...

Carol, Thank you for your perseverance at getting our weights each week of the Biggest Loser. It must have been the stress of it all the helped you win! Just Kidding, good work. Enjoy the gift certificate you deserve it.

MS Challenge Team - The Scrap Dogs said...

Are we doing another Biggest Loser?

I might be up for another one.....I need to win and make back my loses from the last contest........Can it be done?

Let's find out!

How Can You Help.

How Can You Help.
Every bit counts.

At the Finish Line!

At the Finish Line!